Friday, July 24, 2015

Secluded Corners

In some secluded corners of my heart, the blood turns cold,
I feel a chill, in this warmed breeze, I am turning cold, lifeless, no emotions I'm left with,
The voices I hear are just cracked up sound.

In the daylight I fear the most, I see clear, my daemons boast!
I see no path, no plan is right, deepest nihility in sight,
The wall of darkness builds up high.

Nights I find hard to fight,
Watching the dark walls in darkness I cry,
I have no grief, no pain explained,
A hollow feeling, that runs in my vein,

Will this pass, or I will pass,
When will this cold darkness last?
I await here, in dark daylight I gasp,
Silent I watch my hands gatherings my soul,
And fixing the patch,
In some secluded corners of my heart and soul.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Raven In The Box

Scared, timid, silent, sound it had no more,
Rough and dead, its breath seem to fade,
 Flesh darkened, ripped apart from the soul,
Cover the portions of my love,
The Raven pleaded for its dying soul.

I use to hear it sing in the Sun,
Under my porch it sat, glad ‘twas to sing until the sunset,
Eager I waited each day to listen to its tune,
My heart ached that day when I was sitting all alone,
That silent afternoon!

That abnormal silence crept and swept my porch,
I saw no Raven, nor no music and trill,
Cold numbness laid with me, within me in despair,
That afternoon seemed endless, with spear in its hand,
No word, no sound was in the air.

The Raven’s sound settled deep, deep in my pores,
When I oozed tears, and gave the last con amore,
I boxed the Raven deep within,
For eyes to see, nor for ears to hear no more,

The Raven once trill and melodies breathe no more! 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

When We Sat Again

When at the table of life we sat again,
Voices in different pitches I hear,
Some whispering, some loud, some finely clear to my ear,
Faces I see happy, confused, calm and in despair,
Hands that make, break and that join in prayer,
I see people with hope, reliving and some dying in fear,
When at the table of life we sat again,
I see two being who are not similar,
One with might and strong lear,
The other filled with doubts unclear,
Sat they both next to each other,
When at the table of life we sat again,
Question to you I have my dear?
I've learned your lessons and I've learned not to fear,
I know how to separate it from love and abhor,
But doubt and fear still remains and breathe there,
Smiled at me she said I'm still teaching you and this is why you sit besides me my dear!

When at the table of life we sat again.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The boondocks memories

The mist of memories started to talk when I closed my eyes in the pitch darkness.
The vultures sat in the corner waiting for their turn to feed on leftovers let the king feast first from the memories and some that throttled the time were left as leftovers.
Did she not tell you the taste of blood, did she not tell you the oozing pain
I saw you stood their like a Specter who's afraid of his own growing  pain, bewildering eyes to some questions in gain.
Mockery, deceit, burnt memories, ashes I see, did  she not tell you the besiegement of her mind, did she not tell you the wall were strong to read her mind,
I saw you stood their like an unarmed man weak to the thrust.
Let the king feast onto  the memories and let the rotten be for the vultures.
Let the blood clog and may you be there to itch It again,
And let you be there to see her drenched in pain.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hopes Don't Die

She lived in a cottoned house,
Where everything smelled like rose,
Her ribbons flew in the rosy air,
She danced on the tip of leaves.
Sun shone upon her like gleaming gold,
Beams filled her sapphire eyes,
Her heart was some crimson dew,
Thoughts pure as white.
She every night sat under those million stars,
Stars above like scattered jewel,
On green soft land where she sat,
Danced along the fireflies.
She felt the endless universe ever night in her eyes,
 As she dreamt of first flake falling from the skies,
Heaven she had of her own, in her heart she stored,
Water from the fall, washed her sore soul.
Behind this cladded mystery girl,
Scars found its place to hide,
Those sapphire eyes and childlike heart,
Will soon regain their life.
She lived in a cottoned house,

Wishful heart she carried inside that cottoned house. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Dreamers Dream

Dreamers differ in dream they dream,
From heart to eyes they speak of dreams,
Dreams of love, words and strings they dream.

A little boy dreams of bright sky,
To see his dreams flying high like kites,
A dreamer dreams of dream unfailing.

The men I meet too have dreams,
Riches to gather and lock in vaults,
They gather more for maybe their final call. .

I see the dreams differ in every way,
Rugged man that in corner lay,
Dream was different of his in every way.

Eyes waited for little grace,
Rugged he laid for a resting place,
A drop of water somebody just poured in case.

Dolls, ribbons and tea sets,
Wish she had the finest,
Dream of this little girl, separate her from the rest.

Girl she will become the flawless,
Dream of a boy she dreams the best,
Love to her must come the one so perfect.

Dreams I see they all have different,
Mothers dream of children to be perfect,
Fathers dream them to be strongest.

They dream of a perfect little world,
An isle for their children,
The immaculate  drape, the perfect prayers.

I too have a dream and the dream shattered,
Now a new dream of silence,
Dream to die a dream to be frozen in my cascade.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mystified Me

In this maddening town, I start my day,
Early morning, with rough, uneven ride,
The place where blindfolded people play,
I try to play it right; however I fail each time,
I think to myself Oh! You worthless being,
You don’t deserve this place.

A diamond cladded she; who speaks, much to my dismay,
I wonder she is a poisonous being, or my being confused by her ways,
She opens her fiery mouth and my ears start to fade her sound,
Drop by drop her poison fills,
In this shielded space of mine,
I try to learn her ways but fail every time.

Her words so demeaning for everyone,
Even for boon companion,
Behind their back she spits and slaps, I watch her ugly ways,
Surprised I feel; the world loves her,
To her days are warm and smooth,
Glad she seems of her ways and other seems to praise,

I watch again this delusional little world,
My obedience and truth is disgraced,
I think to myself yet again, what’s my worth to this place?
With anharmonic heart I start my day,

In this maddening crowd.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

That one day

One day the sun will sine for me, one day the shadows will flee, 
one day the birds will sing again in the tree, 
one day the stars will be aligned for me, 
one day the rivers will be sweet,
One day the hopes will turn to reality,
One day the dreams will come true,
One day words will forever breathe again,
One day, will spread wings and fly,
One day the selfless love too will come my way, 
One day, will know life is worthwhile,
That one day is not too far when,
Days you have struggled Will die,
Haunting nights and all the cries will go by,
Heart disquieting fearful will bid bye,
Eyes waiting will see the path,
One day the mist will rise,
Sky Will bear just spectrum right,
Drops  and dew will certainly sine,
Life Will write new stories and songs,
Draped in love and passion will rest,
One day, shall that forever be mine.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Illusion to reality?

This heart keep a secret, secret that only this heart can keep,
I dream an illusion, illusion that I cannot seek,
I have taught my soul to not fickle, fickle it always is,
Not to know how to tame, it wanders far, I see it go!

Heart, my mind thinks of you,
Reality or an illusion to how would I ever know?
If illusion, to reality I want to turn it and see,
Trust, faith and love, I have blindly put in this dream!

The more I think, the more I get weak, Where this way will lead?
Will this illusion end someday?
Who are you? To whom, I willingly permit to inflict this pain,
Withered I feel, days you do not speak; I live again, something when you say!

Must I make my mind, soul and heart, not to think of you again?
Must I tell my heart, illusion you always will be,
Time is right to teach myself,
Perfect love and waiting for, is not worth for me!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Six feet under

Surrounded I was by many, many moaning hearts,
My heart, I felt for the last time, blur vision, sound echoing from far,
Black satin with milky lace they decorated the case,
I felt like a queen again in white purest of the gown,
Someone read the last verse for my soul to be abound,
I was near to the Altar, I heard the hymns the last time,
They wept, cried and mourn, near my cold frame,
 Took me within the gates,
The raven sang in pain, the huddling trees that mourned,
The grass covered the grave and silent was this place,
Soon I’ll be the part of this cold, numb grave,
Maybe they will inscribe ‘’gone but not forgotten’’
‘’Resting in peace, in God’s care’’
Let my gravestone be no lavish one,
Leave no lilies, no roses or wreath,
Dust to dust, ashes I will be turned,
Let the last message be, till we meet again.