Friday, July 24, 2015

Secluded Corners

In some secluded corners of my heart, the blood turns cold,
I feel a chill, in this warmed breeze, I am turning cold, lifeless, no emotions I'm left with,
The voices I hear are just cracked up sound.

In the daylight I fear the most, I see clear, my daemons boast!
I see no path, no plan is right, deepest nihility in sight,
The wall of darkness builds up high.

Nights I find hard to fight,
Watching the dark walls in darkness I cry,
I have no grief, no pain explained,
A hollow feeling, that runs in my vein,

Will this pass, or I will pass,
When will this cold darkness last?
I await here, in dark daylight I gasp,
Silent I watch my hands gatherings my soul,
And fixing the patch,
In some secluded corners of my heart and soul.

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