Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mystified Me

In this maddening town, I start my day,
Early morning, with rough, uneven ride,
The place where blindfolded people play,
I try to play it right; however I fail each time,
I think to myself Oh! You worthless being,
You don’t deserve this place.

A diamond cladded she; who speaks, much to my dismay,
I wonder she is a poisonous being, or my being confused by her ways,
She opens her fiery mouth and my ears start to fade her sound,
Drop by drop her poison fills,
In this shielded space of mine,
I try to learn her ways but fail every time.

Her words so demeaning for everyone,
Even for boon companion,
Behind their back she spits and slaps, I watch her ugly ways,
Surprised I feel; the world loves her,
To her days are warm and smooth,
Glad she seems of her ways and other seems to praise,

I watch again this delusional little world,
My obedience and truth is disgraced,
I think to myself yet again, what’s my worth to this place?
With anharmonic heart I start my day,

In this maddening crowd.

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