Saturday, June 20, 2015

When We Sat Again

When at the table of life we sat again,
Voices in different pitches I hear,
Some whispering, some loud, some finely clear to my ear,
Faces I see happy, confused, calm and in despair,
Hands that make, break and that join in prayer,
I see people with hope, reliving and some dying in fear,
When at the table of life we sat again,
I see two being who are not similar,
One with might and strong lear,
The other filled with doubts unclear,
Sat they both next to each other,
When at the table of life we sat again,
Question to you I have my dear?
I've learned your lessons and I've learned not to fear,
I know how to separate it from love and abhor,
But doubt and fear still remains and breathe there,
Smiled at me she said I'm still teaching you and this is why you sit besides me my dear!

When at the table of life we sat again.

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