Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It's only word

I don't want to write something or anything at all,
Wasted words with all their ruggedness crawls in my mind,

My molecules of emotions are not so volatile and this is a permanent fix every time I have this itch to write,

They say writing takes you to the wonderland, I know I've traveled that land quite many times,

Brisé  and bravura of words that spells on me is so clear, I look like a girl fallen in love for the first time in many years,

You take me to a concealed fearless land there you stand in front of me and take my hand,

My hands, my mind , my heart, in control, in your deepest spell I see the words dance on Waltz,

I see you close, in all your might, ardour, unassailable pride I look at you in awe you are divine,

Look at you what you did to me with ease, you brought my mind on it's knees, adoring you and your wondrous stride on my mind,

I wasn't sure if I can write or paint words, neither I know how to praise your might,

Words you are sometimes tempestuous, sometimes passion, sometimes reverie but most of all you are life to every breath I  breathe, 

I know I started with no words with no will to write, words you are my light in this little shadowed, cold life of mine.

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