Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cry for deliverance

Dark clouds follow me,

Ashes, shadows cover me,

Maze I’m walking in,

No end in sight I’m just lost within.

Drowning, sinking I’m in,

In deep ocean of pain and grin,

Screaming, inside no one’s to listen,

Struggling hard but no one seems to care.

The one closest to me seal me with blame,

No matter how hard I try,

Every time I try, I just fail,

Everyday, I pray to The Alpha, The Omega

I ask what is my purpose here?

I need some answers to my prayers,

Nothing’s easy that comes to me,

Or rather nothing ever comes to me,

Seeking to when this search will end.

Seems some curse walks every now and then,

The more I pray the more I break,

They say it’s a test,

But I fail.

No horizons I see, no drop of rains,

No pastures green, no colorful stains,

No sight of rainbow through my windowpane,

No fresh leaf, no morning ray.

Every night in dark silence,

I scream out YOUR name,

Lord! Where are you?

Will You every rescue me from my pain?

Sore soul I carry every day,

Do You even see my face?

Your word says you have my name,

Carved In your palms,

Just one glance at it,

 And I know, no longer I’ll be in the same pain again. 

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