Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Bitter Truth

I came to this world with no possessions;
Clueless I was, to what it will be,
Looked around puzzled and bedazzled life made me,
 The more I learnt about it the more it amazed me,
Questions I had, to why this be wasn't ‘life beautiful’ supposed to be?

Grew with this world learnt its ways,
Not that I wanted, but drifted to its certain ways,
Tricks of others I know none, simple I was born with no dark shades,
Cloak of shades covered my face somehow unclear, things were maze
Wasn't ‘life clear’ supposed to be?

As I thought I am learning, learning its mysterious ways,
It swirled me in its enormous waves,
Drenched I was wanted to dry,
But sun seemed to hide somewhere behind those cloud of grey
Wasn't ‘life bright’ supposed to be?

I thought I was standing, standing tall,
Life show me your real face,
Face of treachery, defeat and betray,
Was I ready or too soon did I say, I know not, was I too impulsive to say,
Wasn't ‘life simple’ supposed to be?

And as I thought I've learnt all its ways,
More I longed, more I demanded to its bitter sweet ways,
shoveled hard, harder to look for the treasure’s safe,
It brought me near to some bitter, secret place,
Wasn't ‘life jeweled’ supposed to be?

And I thought now for the final time,
I have everything but everything is not enough,
I wanted more; more wasn't still much, I started to gather, thinking it’ll last for
Eternity, Eternity smiled at me, she knows I’m naive and there she showed me the
Bitter truth of life, wasn't ‘life sweet’ supposed to be?

Life now mocked at me, ruthlessly smiled,
All this time you struggled for dust, indeed you are too naive,
You kept shoveling, digging for your own space of six feet under,
Where ashes to ashes, dust to dust remain and reign forever.

Wasn't ‘I Real’ this is supposed to be!

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