Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dear Dad

I woke up this morning with prayer in my heart,
I closed my eyes and bowed my head, 

Words were clear in my mind,
And humbly I prayed.

My prayer was unadorned and plain,
This heart of child seek something,
Something precious and dear,
For which I make this prayer.

Thank You! Father for my father so dear,
Who taught me all Your ways,
A father who helped me through,
Whenever I lose my way. 

Today on this special day 
I thank You! You kept him safe in your care,
Thank You Father! For I have a father 
who knows how to care.

He teaches me the things that no one seem to care,
To be humble and grounded is what he teaches me till date,
I live through his principle to be gentle and kind,
Is what I strive to be each day.

He helps me learn to stay with hard,
Never give up is what he says,
He teaches me, for when I make mistakes,
I know you want me to be right, I know this is what you pray.

I thank You! Father for my father here,
And on this day, when You were forming him,
I know you planed it for this and many more days to come,
That I may get the perfect father, who knows all Your ways.

Bless him Lord with day’s abundance,
Days of health and blessings for him I pray,
I make this prayer for him today,
On this special day!

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