Friday, January 11, 2013

There's Something in Nothing

Its the 11th day of January, and as you might just think what's so special? I would say 'Nothing' !
But still I had to write this, because this 'Nothing' will takes you to 'Something'. Some of the finest details of life. Today this? 'Nothing' somehow prodded me to write 'Something'.

Well, it's  quite sunny today, and as we sat in the sun, there were few things I could see with distinct mental  discernment. Guess the luminescence helped me to see things more closely, the only difference was that; this time I just didn't used my eyes. 

I was looking at my parents face as they sat in the sun, sipping on the ginger tea, I had made for them, unaware of the fact that, I was watching them ludicrously, I sat there and kept gazing at them until I heard a soft smiling voice saying Kya ho gaya....kya soch rahi hai  (What happened? What are you thinking?) that's my mother always so alert and quick in asking questions :)
I just smiled back and said 'Nothing' there you go again, this nothing can jump in everywhere, even though It's not required. Why did I say 'Nothing' to her?  Well, the truth is, I was actually thinking. 
Actually I was having an intrapersonal communication, I was looking at the lines the so called 'wrinkles' and I said to myself, boy! they are Ugly! Yet there was something that moved me, 
each of the line was a story in itself.
Each line said 'SOMETHING'! 
The joy they shared when I was born, the unconditional love they have given me each second of my life and I must say I'm surely lucky to get it till date :).
These lines are the joys and the sorrows we shared. These lines are the moments, when I was helpless they were always there. These lines are the vexation, when they wanted the best in me.
These lines are the truth, that speaks the truth, that they'll always will be with me no matter what.
These lines are the hopes and the dreams they have in me. These lines are the journey of all the good and bad times.
But most importantly these lines are more than anything my heart can ever state, I wish I have these lines too no matter how ugly they look because, they are 'something', 'something' of everything in me and to what I am as a person today and will be in future.
Take you time to read the lines of your parents face, may be, who knows, just when you said that Ugly 'NOTHING' you may find that beautiful 'SOMETHING'. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

When Will You Be Here?

I am here still and cold 
Waiting for the day when I could hold,
Hold u in this world.
It's new day people say, they call me up and tell its a happy day,
But nothing seems real coz I miss u dear,
I tell my heart what new and happy if you are not here.
By each passing day I've missed you, kissed you in air,
I send the air to you do you feel the same, for I do.
Friends ask me tell us what your wishing this year,
All I do is smile as to hide my tears,
My heart speak through my eyes and tell it to itself I want you dear.
Love this pain coz it's so true , 
I know it helps me to long for more of you.
Because  I Love You I Love you I love you .

White blank and dry it was,
dear i had to try
picked my graphite
tried to write
heart heavy as stone, no words pass me by
eyes trying to see the dawn but the picture was a disguise
Hands fighting with my mind sprit and soul
words which fall there on the white blank sheet could'nt say it all
dissembled my feelings what I wrote was not to be defined.

Do You Still?

Do you still Love me? I ask you
Do you still miss me? The way I do,
I call you, know if your fine,
you tell me we'll talk, baby some other time.
I wait here anxiously for your call or even just two or one line,
To say I'm here for you and I've been fine.
I know this love ain't easy coz you are far apart,
at times this heart of mine rips apart,
I tell myself is this love real?
Or I still am living a dream that'll wither?
I don't know if you still?
I keep thinking of you, the pictures you send,
The notes you, I don't know if you ever meant?
Still deep in my heart somehow I know
Someday you'll understand.
I know, I made a mistake back then,
But don't I deserve to share my pain again?
I wish I was close to you, to show my care, that I love
I don't wanna lose you again,to share the same cup,
I though I was strong to get along the way,
But since you came I realized things for me are not the same.
Let me tell you something, these words might not mean to you,
For me this is all I got, to say I still Love you,
You may have learned to woo me, or some..
But for me, you are the only one,
I listen to your voice in my head and ask you
Do you still?