Thursday, January 8, 2015

Six feet under

Surrounded I was by many, many moaning hearts,
My heart, I felt for the last time, blur vision, sound echoing from far,
Black satin with milky lace they decorated the case,
I felt like a queen again in white purest of the gown,
Someone read the last verse for my soul to be abound,
I was near to the Altar, I heard the hymns the last time,
They wept, cried and mourn, near my cold frame,
 Took me within the gates,
The raven sang in pain, the huddling trees that mourned,
The grass covered the grave and silent was this place,
Soon I’ll be the part of this cold, numb grave,
Maybe they will inscribe ‘’gone but not forgotten’’
‘’Resting in peace, in God’s care’’
Let my gravestone be no lavish one,
Leave no lilies, no roses or wreath,
Dust to dust, ashes I will be turned,
Let the last message be, till we meet again.