Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year again

As this night falls, my thoughts take me back in time,
Yesterday is over and today is gone,
Tomorrow will break in hopefully a new dawn,
I had spent past days with pain, regrets and fear.

I have seen even the morning rays gone pale,
Fresh water for me, even got stale,
Hopeless, broken, agonising again,
Past mornings were no blissful gain.

Prayers I muttered every passing day,
Seems, they narrowly find their way,
Evening passed and night crawled,
May be morning would bring me back some hope?

Days and days and years spent,
Looks same to me as they were before,
Empty spaces, voids and gaps,
Little words, bleak in despair.

Come indeed you will again,
Wounds and pain will come along,
Teach me how to be strong,
Of things imperishable, bitter and truth.

I rise again, against my pain and fails and flaw,
Teach me Time, teach me to be strong,
Whisper the words of wisdom,
Take me by my hand, let me see striving through my pain.

I know this journey long, impale road it has,
Every year, year after year, I look for something new,
I learn few things and forget few things too,
Guard me close, for I am weak too.

Let this new day begun,
Bring some hope and godsend favors too,
I wish myself a new me, let those trials come,
With fearlessness I would greet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

When Evil attack....You Pray!

Morning was mourning in dark smoke,
Today the Sun couldn't reach the Narthex,
Ablaze you were, charred and ached,
 When they came to this holy place,
In silence they knelt heart burdened in pain.
No morning bells rung today,
Pew and Prie-Dieu burnt in ashes and dust in they lay,
The Altar’s died in dark reek,
In vapors of grey the Pulpit lay,
Some demon touched this place,
Some Evil wants to take our advent away,
Burn this bring it down to ashes,
Himself testified in three days HE will rebuild this place,
Quench your thirst Oh! Those Evil hands and heart,
Your hands on this place, trample it, burn it, crush it,
Soul you cannot take away,
Every sadden heart is on keens,
With closed eyes and heart filled with prayer,
Time after time you rip our body with nail, fire and guns,
Our soul’s intact; you cannot claim it for your game!
Mass, Songs and candles, brothers and sisters today we march,
Rise still stronger in our humble prayers,
Prayers to heal your nefarious soul,

We shall offer this and for every evening prayers.