Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Some hearts, Someday, Someone!

Quietude defines the thoughts inside,
Sometimes I fear and sometimes I try,
Will I get someday what I look for, or
Someday my dreams or I will die?

Misty sight I may have,
Still, forward to move I have,
To see what’s there on the other side?
Walking I am, this journey’s too long.

Failed I have many times,
Its face so pellucid to me,
That mist is thick indeed,
My will is thicker, I’ll go! Where it’ll lead?
I still have to know.

Nothing seems easy, nothing seems right,
People say give up, you don’t need to try,
I don’t say a word or say anything at all,
Quietude defines the thoughts inside.

Insulted, betrayed and broken I feel,
Why I ask myself?
Why this to be, with me?
You ripped my trust and trampled it with ease.

I still believe someday, someday,
I surely will reach and receive,
 Just as I try to question everything,
This mist will die and someday it’ll be clear.