Monday, May 5, 2014

scary things...PEOPLE!

 I just did not thought of writing this until now, when I had too many experiences where I thought to myself or rather pushed myself to write this.
And please don’t you go by the title, at this point of time there are so many things that are beyond scary
Let’s go point by point
In our life time we meet so many people that it’s almost difficult to keep a count, but still we do manage to remember most of them for some sweet and some bitter reasons now by this time you must be thinking as to what do I imply? And to where is the scary part?
Here’s what scares me.  
People who are too sweet in your face but behind you they be “Jack the Ripper”
People who tell you all the good things, until you start to make believe and soon you realise that was just a dream.
People who talk religious stuff, I mean they literally preach you to the core if it! but their own life is filled with hypocrisy, filth or addiction.
People who suggest me to get married, if marriage is a life changing event then frankly I don’t want to change my life or anybody’s life for that matter near or around me, I’ve already seen “PEOPLE CHANGING”.
People who are loud they are out there, throw out all the rude people. Some of these boors don’t even know they’re boors! They’ve just behaved that way all their lives and so has everyone they know.
People who are bigots, racist etc. etc. they resent difference.
People who are happy to see you fail and fall.
Weird people who talk, talk and talk. Wonder are they never tired?
Undisciplined children, do I really need to blame children for their behaviour Naahha! It’s because of the least-or-not-so-bothered kind of attitude their parents have, thinking that will restrict their child mental growth blah, blah, blah, (I wonder how did we made this far).
I think everyone should use their own hands to supports themselves and help other. I have little patience with lazy people, or people who choose not to work. If you need me, all you have to do is ask. I’ll bring you food. I’ll do your laundry. I can do your paperwork, I can do stuff that you do make a big furore of. But if you’re just lying/sitting around waiting to be waited on, or feel in any way, shape or form that the wold owes you a living, I will tell you exactly what I think of you.
People who are, let us euphemistically say, somewhat less than nice, or less than hardworking, or less than considerate, etc. Let’s face it: those are the people who “stand out” sometimes, which is most unfortunate since such people don’t deserve to stand out. My question is simply this: What has happened to us as a society that we give all this time and attention to such people when it’s the OTHER kind of people who are most deserving of it?
These above kind of, people seriously scares the (not a very decent way of speech) S*** out of me. And most of the time I think why such people prevail and people like me write this to just vent the feeling out?