Sunday, March 16, 2014


Please write this on my gravestone,
Spring, March, flowers of '82,
You too must remember me,
Unrivalled, but unrivalled I could not be,
Tunes untuned to heart it gash,
Water rips my inner soul instead,
Silence too shout deep within,
Wounded words in pain they emanate,
Sounds unclear writhe in head,
Weary, query I am afraid,
Reflection to life turns to shadows and ash,
Wings I need but have no strength to spread,
Empty weak and torn and dread,
Pain ripples all around even eyes of blessing turn its way to left,
Quietly I seek some peace for I pray,
A nebulous voice I hear,
Tried I am, I want to lay to rest,
Thoughts unsettled will rest only to its last breath,
As I touch the ground to lay my head,
Cold and dead I am,
No pursuit of anything I have,
Please write this on my gravestone